A eBaoTech patrocina a primeira conferência internacional de Vida e Aposentadoria (Life & Pensions) em Moscou
November 16, 2005
November 16, 2005
eBaoTech to sponsor first international Life & Pensions conference in Moscow on November 28-29 with prominent speakers and visitors. Daniel Adamec, CEO eBaoTech Europe will also present a speech on bancassurance and
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A eBaoTech patrocina o Evento da MCC “Gestão Inovadora de Apólices” (“Innovative Policy Management”) em Düsseldorf, Alemanha
October 14, 2005
October 14, 2005
On October 17th and 18th, 2005, eBaoTech sponsors the MCC Event “Innovative Policy Management” in Düsseldorf. Our European CEO, Daniel Adamec, will give a presentation titled “Reduce cost, increase customer satisfaction with
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Primeira instalação europeia do eBaoTech começa a funcionar na Swiss Life
June 13, 2005
June 13, 2005
Swiss Life has gone live on June 13, 2005 with eBaoTech’s AssetLink installation specifically tailored for wealth management life insurance products. After only 9 months of implementation time, Swiss Life has launched
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CTIIC Prudential Life Insurance Co. escolhe o eBaoTech Group LifeSystem para gerir suas operações de seguro de vida em grupo
May 13, 2005
May 13, 2005
CITIC Prudential Life Insurance Co., a joint venture between London-based Prudential and China International Trust & Investment Corp was awarded a license by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) to sell group
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eBaoTech LifeSystem e AgentOffice são os pacotes escolhidos para fazer funcionar a PICC Life na China
April 29, 2005
April 29, 2005
PICC Life is a life insurance joint venture between big players such as PICC Holdings Ltd (China’s largest insurer), Sumitomo Life Insurance of Japan, Asia Financial Holdings Ltd. (0662.HK:) and Bangkok Bank
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Huatai Life Insurance Inicia Operação com o eBaoTech LifeSystem
April 6, 2005
April 6, 2005
Huatai Life Insurance is a new life insurance company in Beijing founded by Huatai Insurance as well as investment from world renowned ACE International. Huatai Life is aiming to develop products and
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A operação da Union Life Insurance Company arranca com impacto
February 3, 2005
February 3, 2005
Union Life Insurance Company is a newly set up insurance company invested by several large private enterprises in China. It is the first local insurer headquatered in Central Chinese city of Wuhan.
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