CTIIC Prudential Life Insurance Co. escolhe o eBaoTech Group LifeSystem para gerir suas operações de seguro de vida em grupo
May 13, 2005
May 13, 2005
CITIC Prudential Life Insurance Co., a joint venture between London-based Prudential and China International Trust & Investment Corp was awarded a license by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) to sell group
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eBaoTech LifeSystem e AgentOffice são os pacotes escolhidos para fazer funcionar a PICC Life na China
April 29, 2005
April 29, 2005
PICC Life is a life insurance joint venture between big players such as PICC Holdings Ltd (China’s largest insurer), Sumitomo Life Insurance of Japan, Asia Financial Holdings Ltd. (0662.HK:) and Bangkok Bank
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Huatai Life Insurance Inicia Operação com o eBaoTech LifeSystem
April 6, 2005
April 6, 2005
Huatai Life Insurance is a new life insurance company in Beijing founded by Huatai Insurance as well as investment from world renowned ACE International. Huatai Life is aiming to develop products and
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A operação da Union Life Insurance Company arranca com impacto
February 3, 2005
February 3, 2005
Union Life Insurance Company is a newly set up insurance company invested by several large private enterprises in China. It is the first local insurer headquatered in Central Chinese city of Wuhan.
AfterMais >
Samsung Air China Life Insurance licencia o eBaoTech LifeSystem e o eBaoTech AgentOffice
December 29, 2004
December 29, 2004
Samsung Air China is a joint venture between Samsung Life Insurance Company of Korea and Air China Group in China.
Samsung Life is a leading insurance company in Korea with more than 45%Mais >
Swiss Life, a maior seguradora da Suíça escolheu o eBaoTech LifeSystem como a plataforma de TI para um novo empreendimento
November 30, 2004
November 30, 2004
Swiss Life will launch a new insurance venture focusing on structured life insurance products for wealthy individuals on eBaoTech’s LifeSystem.
The implementation is done within six months, will go live in Spring 05Mais >
Tianping Motor Insurance Company da China licencia o eBaoTech GeneralSystem e o eBaoTech AutoClaim
October 25, 2004
October 25, 2004
eBaoTech has signed contract with Shanghai-based Tianping Motor Insurance Company to provide eBaoTech GeneralSystem and eBaoTech AutoClaim for Tianping’s policy administration and claims management purposes.
eBaoTech GeneralSystem is core general insurance policy administrationMais >