Fortis Insurance International comprou várias licenças do LifeSystem e do GeneralSystem para usar na Europa
July 31, 2006
July 31, 2006
Fortis Insurance International has bought several licences of LifeSystem and GeneralSystem for use in Europe. The first installation in Central Eastern Europe of LifeSystem is well underway, with an expected launch in
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Great Eastern Life abre sua joint venture na China. Great Eastern Life Assurance (China) Co. Ltd. usa o eBaoTech LifeSystem como seu sistema central de seguros
June 19, 2006
June 19, 2006
Following is part of the news release from Great Eastern Life.
Official Launch of Great Eastern Life Assurance (China) Company Ltd
The first foreign joint venture life insurance company to be headquartered inMais >
Zurich Financial Services, que utiliza o eBaoTech GeneralSystem como seu sistema central de seguros, recebe licença de funcionamento para seu novo negócio de seguros gerais na China
May 22, 2006
May 22, 2006
Zurich Financial Services Group, a leading global insurance company, has selected eBaoTech GeneralSystem as the core insurance system for their new general insurance business in China.
Zurich Insurance Company, a member of ZurichMais >
A eBaoTech patrocinará Conferência 2006 de Seguros na China – Enfrentando os Desafios do Mercado e da Distribuição (“China Insurance Conference 2006 – Meeting the Marketing & Distribution Challenges”), organizada pelo Foro de Negócios da Ásia em Pequim, em
April 20, 2006
April 20, 2006
eBaoTech has been designated the official publication for “China Insurance Conference 2006 — Meeting the Marketing & Distribution Challenges” organized by Asia Business Forum in Beijing on May 29-30, 2006.
During the conference,Mais >
A NTUC Income, Cliente da eBaoTech, recebeu o título de Equipes de Alto Desempenho de TI na Pesquisa Dinâmica de Referência e Premiação da IDC na Ásia/Pacific. NTUC Income usa o eBaoTech LifeSystem e o GeneralSystem para apoiar a administração de apólices
March 21, 2006
March 21, 2006
Click here to see the Report from NTUC Income
IDC Recognized High Performing IT teams in Dynamic IT Benchmark Survey and Awards in Asia/Pacific
Singapore and Hong Kong, March 21, 2006 – IDCMais >
ACE Life escolheu o eBaoTech LifeSystem como o sistema central de administração de apólices para seus novos negócios no Vietnã e em Taiwan
November 22, 2005
November 22, 2005
ACE Life has selected eBaoTech LifeSystem as the core policy administration system for their new businesses in Vietnam and Taiwan. ACE Life Vietnam opened for business in September, 2005. ACE Life Taiwan
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PICC Life abre negócio usando o eBaoTech LifeSystem
November 18, 2005
November 18, 2005
PICC Life opens for business today after successfully implemented eBaoTech LifeSystem. eBaoTech staff worked closely with PICC staff for the implementation and completed the project in 7 months. PICC Life Headquarters and
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