Etiqa launches eBaoTech GeneralSystem

January 3, 2010

Etiqa, the flagship brand for Etiqa Insurance Berhad and Etiqa Takaful Berhad, has successfully implemented the eBaoTech GeneralSystem on January 3, 2010. As the Insurance and Takaful arm of Maybank Group, Etiqa is the largest insurer in Malaysia.

This launch is an important milestone for Etiqa as it will change its current business environment in view that it uses single, common core system platform to support both Conventional and Takaful business models. It is completely a new dimension as to how the system been architected to fulfill these challenging business requirements which supports the different business models. Significant enhancements have been incorporated into the system to provide more effective, efficient and productive interactions with various sales channels within Etiqa which include agency force and bancassurance. The core system is supporting more than 220 products for both commercial and retail lines of businesses.

The core system is also integrated with 14 other third party systems in phase 1. It is currently the largest GeneralSystem on production that eBaoTech has implemented in eBaoTech’s history.

Moving forward to phase 2, eBaoTech will be integrating with Maybank Group POS Insurance system offering wide range of bancassurance products. The final part of phase 2 implementation will also include data migration for the existing 3 legacy systems to the new system.

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