

  • エンベデッド・インシュアランス(組込型保険) - 収益性とインパクトを同時に高める方法

    InsureMOの欧州地区の責任者であるTomek BugajskiがaYoホールディングスのCEOであるMarius Botha と共に、エンベデッド・インシュアランス(組込型保険)を導入した事例を通じて、通信チャネルを中心としたビジネスラインを様々な国で戦略的に展開して大きな成果を上げている成功ストーリーをご紹介いたします。

  • エイゴン生命CTO、Dougie Kennedyが語る、レガシーコアシステムを入れ替えずにデジタル化を実現したInsureMOの活用方法とは

    エイゴン生命では、InsureMOをユニークな形で導入し、自社のレガシーコアシステムを入れ替えずにデジタル化を実現しました。同社の最高技術責任者(CTO)であるDougie Kennedy氏は、この画期的なDX成功例について次のように述べています:「当社では、AWSクラウドにInsureMO を導入したことで、新商品をたった6週間で立ち上げられるようになりました。」

  • eBaoTech's Collaborus Cloud - Tego Insurance

    Eric Lowenstein, CEO at Tego - Medical Indemnity Insurance for Doctors describing his experience working with eBaoTech team to rapid deploy his Medical Indemnity Product to the market within few weeks of engagement with eBaoTech Team and how it achieved business growth.

  • UNION Assurance Winning Celent's Model Insurer Award

    eBaoTech congratulates its client, Sri Lanka based UNION Assurance winning Celent’s 2020 Model Insurer award for Legacy and Ecosystem Transformation (video source: Celent)

  • Celent Interview AIG APAC using Collaborus

    Ian Kohler describes AIG’s Transact project, based on eBaoTech Collaborus, which received the 2013 Celent Model Insurer Award in the PAS category

  • Celent's Talk on InsureMO Webinar "Unleash Digital with New Middle Office"

    Celent's Senior Analyst, Craig Beattie shared his views and researches on how to build and leverage the capabilities of Digital Insurance Middle Layer to drive innovations and system modernization.

  • InsureMO@2021 ITC Asia panel-Bridging the gap between insurers and new age internet players

    eBaoTech's Vice President – Head of Sales and Strategy, Rajat Sharma joined a panel discussion on digital transformation of insurance and how new technologies such as middle office can help.

  • TDI Talks! with Rajat Sharma and Ken Slevin from eBaoTech

    TDI’s Pádraig Floyd speaks with Rajat Sharma, Global Head of Sales and Strategy and Ken Slevin, Global Head of Product Marketing & Head of Innovation at eBaoTech to discuss the key challenges facing the insurance industry.

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