El sistema de accidentes y salud de eBaoTech se implementa en Prudential Malasia y Prudential Tailandia
September 8, 2006
September 8, 2006
The Prudential Accident and Health project (codenamed YODA) was kicked-off in November 2005 starting with a gap study. Despite the holiday season, with great dedication, tenacity and much personal sacrifice from all
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AgentOffice, sub-sistema de GeneralSystem, fue utilizado por primera vez para las operaciones de seguros de Chubb en China
August 28, 2006
August 28, 2006
Our first installation of eBaoTech GeneralSystem’s AgentOffice Sub-System, which is named Sales Force Support System (SFSS), successfully goes live today for Chubb’s China based Insurance operations. [Chubb] Federal Insurance Company has branch
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Fortis Insurance International compra varias licencias de LifeSystem y GeneralSystem para utilizarlas en Europa
July 31, 2006
July 31, 2006
Fortis Insurance International has bought several licences of LifeSystem and GeneralSystem for use in Europe. The first installation in Central Eastern Europe of LifeSystem is well underway, with an expected launch in
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Great Eastern Life lanza joint venture en China. Great Eastern Life Assurance (China) Co. Ltd. utiliza eBaoTech LifeSystem como su principal sistema de seguros
June 19, 2006
June 19, 2006
Following is part of the news release from Great Eastern Life.
Official Launch of Great Eastern Life Assurance (China) Company Ltd
The first foreign joint venture life insurance company to be headquartered inMás >
Zurich Financial Services, que utiliza eBaoTech GeneralSystem como su sistema principal de seguros, obtiene su licencia para operar su nuevo negocio de seguros generales en China
May 22, 2006
May 22, 2006
Zurich Financial Services Group, a leading global insurance company, has selected eBaoTech GeneralSystem as the core insurance system for their new general insurance business in China.
Zurich Insurance Company, a member of ZurichMás >
eBaoTech patrocinará “Conferencia sobre seguros en China 2006: Cómo superar los desafíos de comercialización y distribución” organizada por el Foro de Negocios de Asia en Pekín los días 29 y 30 de mayo de 2006.
April 20, 2006
April 20, 2006
eBaoTech has been designated the official publication for “China Insurance Conference 2006 — Meeting the Marketing & Distribution Challenges” organized by Asia Business Forum in Beijing on May 29-30, 2006.
During the conference,Más >
NTUC Income, cliente de eBaoTech, galardonado por sus equipos de informática de alto rendimiento en la encuestas Dynamic IT Benchmark Survey and Awards en Asia Pacífico de IDC. NTUC Income utiliza LifeSystem y GeneralSystem de eBaoTech como plataforma de a
March 21, 2006
March 21, 2006
Singapore and Hong Kong, March 21, 2006 – IDC announced latest findings and the winners of its inaugural Dynamic IT Benchmark Survey at the IDC Asia/Pacific 2006 CIO Summit in Bangkok, Thailand on 16 March 2006. The winners were selected following an IDC survey which covered 11 markets in the Asia/Pacific region comprising of Australia, New Zealand, PRC, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore. The survey was conducted across some 120 companies to assess how businesses were aligning their IT investments with corporate strategies and business goals.
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