Ditzo Netherlands lanza una plataforma de afinidad en línea soportado por eBaoTech GeneralSystem
April 7, 2009
April 7, 2009
eBaoTech is pleased to announce that Ditzo, a subsidiary of ASR in the Netherlands, has enhanced the eBaoTech GeneralSystem to distribute white-label insurance policies with its affinity partners. Ditzo is one of
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Swiss Life migra con éxito su portafolio al sistema eBaoTech AssetLink
January 15, 2009
January 15, 2009
In Q4 2008, a joint Swiss Life – eBaoTech team successfully migrated more than 15,000 contracts onto the existing eBaoTech AssetLink platform which administers structured life insurance policies for the business unit
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La sucursal en Jiangsu de Yong An Insurance adopta eBaoTech AutoClaim
December 25, 2008
December 25, 2008
eBaoTech AutoClaim was successfully launched in Yong An Insurance Jiangsu Branch on December 13, 2008. It runs on eBaoTech ASP hosting services. Yong An Jiangsu Branch will conduct its complete motor insurance
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King Dragon Life Insurance implementa eBaoTech LifeSystem y debuta con su solución móvil
December 18, 2008
December 18, 2008
King Dragon Life Insurance (KDI), a joint venture between Taiwan Life Insurance and Xiamen C&D Corporation, launched its business with a grand opening on December 17, 2008. Teams from KDI and eBaoTech
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“Versicherungsforen Leipzig”, uno de los centros de estudio de mayor reputación de Alemania entrevista a Daniel Adamec, director ejecutivo de eBaoTech Europa en su revista TransVer Magazine edición 2/2008
December 2, 2008
December 2, 2008
The interview is in German and focuses on the following main points (sample translation):
TransVer: Inhouse IT development is still happening at many insurers in Germany, and some have made the experience thatMás >
Korea Life Vietnam implementará eBaoTech LifeSystem
November 27, 2008
November 27, 2008
Korea Life Insurance Co. Limited, the 2nd largest insurance company in Korea, has just signed a software license agreement and a customization agreement on the 29th October 2008 with eBaoTech to implement
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eBaoTech firmó una alianza con Sumisho Computer Systems Corporation
November 6, 2008
November 6, 2008
As of November 6, eBaoTech has entered into a business alliance with Japan’s major IT solution and services provider, Sumisho Computer Systems Corporation (SCS). The companies will commence joint marketing endeavors aimed
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