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Total 1800
IDFilenameDownloadFile ExtensionUpload TimeSizeTagsCommentOperation
768eBaoTech-GeneralSystem-CN.pdfDownloadpdf2019/09/171.45 MB
775eBaoTech InsureMO-CN.pdfDownloadpdf2019/09/261.24 MB  
774Case study - InsureMO to Enable Rapid Launch of New Line of Business - CN.pdfDownloadpdf2019/09/24962.39 KB  
785eBaoTech-Company-Overview-en.pdfDownloadpdf2019/10/09929.19 KB  
786eBaoTech-GeneralSystem-en.pdfDownloadpdf2019/10/091.34 MB  
787Case study - $6 B General Insurer Entirely Runs on Microservices Based DigitalCore.pdfDownloadpdf2019/10/091.12 MB  
805Case study-InsureMO to Enable Rapid Launch of New Channels-PT.pdfDownloadpdf2019/11/25581.88 KB  
806Case study-InsureMO to Enable Rapid Launch of New Line of Business-PT.pdfDownloadpdf2019/11/25495.54 KB  
807eBaoTech-Company-Overview-en.pdfDownloadpdf2019/12/31665.66 KB
81033.pdfDownloadpdf2020/01/101.7 MB