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Total 1800
IDFilenameDownloadFile ExtensionUpload TimeSizeTagsCommentOperation
1164Campaign-Launcher.pngCampaign-Launcher.pngpng2021/05/2018.72 KB  
1067Cancellation_0-30.gifCancellation_0-30.gifgif2020/09/107.97 KB  
1068Cancellation_bg.pngCancellation_bg.pngpng2020/09/102.42 KB  
1074Cancellation_bg.pngCancellation_bg.pngpng2020/09/102.42 KB  
1105CandelaLabs.jpgCandelaLabs.jpgjpg2021/02/194.33 KB
1112Capture - Celent UAL.pngDownloadpng2021/03/111 MB
1504Case study - $6 B General Insurer Entirely Runs on Microservices Based DigitalCore-CN.pdfDownloadpdf2022/11/16671.49 KB
1511Case study - $6 B General Insurer Entirely Runs on Microservices Based DigitalCore-CN.pdfDownloadpdf2022/12/01671.49 KB
1567Case study - $6 B General Insurer Entirely Runs on Microservices Based DigitalCore-CN.pdfDownloadpdf2023/03/30671.49 KB
1131Case study - $6 B General Insurer Entirely Runs on Microservices Based DigitalCore-cn.pdfDownloadpdf2021/04/13805.6 KB